EPPP Psychology

Category - Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision

In the early 20th century, criticism of behaviorist theory included the idea that there are internal processes that affect learning (cognition) that also need to be understood and addressed in therapy. Cognitive-behavioral theory (CBT) and a number of new therapy methods were developed as an alternative to behaviorist theory. Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), developed by Ellis, is based on the belief that irrational beliefs are the cause of emotional disturbances. Which of the following is part of the theory behind REBT?
  1. The ABC model
  2. The AC model
  3. The Gestalt effect
  4. The mental wellness model
Answer: A - Ellis proposed the ABC model as an explanation of the role of cognition in behavior. Where A stands for activating event, B stands for belief, and C stands for consequence, Ellis maintained that emotional and behavioral disturbances (represented by C) result from B, not from A. Behavioral theory would draw a direct connection between C and A, bypassing the role of B.
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