EPPP Psychology

Category - Research Methods and Statistics

In statistical analysis, a z-score is a standard score used to evaluate the standard deviation of factors. What information would you use to calculate a z-score?
  1. Raw score and mean of the population
  2. Raw score and standard deviation of the mean of the population
  3. Raw score, standard deviation of the mean of the population, and mean of the population
Answer: C - A z-score is calculated using raw score, standard deviation of the mean of the population, and mean of the population. For instance, if the raw score is 130, mean of the population is 100, and standard deviation is 15, z-score is calculated by subtracting the population mean from the raw score (30) and dividing the result by the standard deviation for a z-score of 2. That score indicates 2 standard deviations about the mean for the sample.
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