EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

In social psychology, an attitude refers to a predisposition to respond to certain stimuli or situations. What did Richard LaPiere’s experiment in the mid-1930s demonstrate about the correlation between different components of attitudes?
  1. There is a weak negative correlation between thoughts, feelings, and subsequent behaviors.
  2. There is a weak positive correlation between feelings and thoughts, and between feelings and subsequent behaviors
  3. There is are strong positive correlations between feelings, thoughts, and behaviors
  4. There is a weak positive correlation between thoughts and feelings, and subsequent behaviors
Answer: D - LaPiere traveled across the U.S. with a Chinese couple visiting hotels and restaurants. Although there was a strong prejudice against Asians in that time period, only one restaurant refused to serve them. When asked at a separate time, 90% of the same restaurants replied that they would not serve Asians. It is thought that there is about a .15 correlation between thoughts and feelings, and subsequent behaviors.
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