EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

In Lucinda’s culture, group cohesion and interests take precedence over individual wants. Lucinda most likely describes her “self” in terms of ___________.
  1. Contributions to her retirement funds
  2. Her relationships with others
  3. Her educational goals and attainment
  4. Her personality traits
Answer: B - In Lucinda’s culture, group cohesion and interests take precedence over individual wants. Lucinda most likely describes her “self” in terms of her relationships with others. In collectivist cultures, group cohesion and ultimate interests are given a much higher priority than individual wants and needs. For example, a person who has aspirations to study Arts in college will opt to stay and work in the family farm if the need comes up. In this type of culture, a person’s conception of the “self” is defined in terms of their relationship with others.
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