EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

In Gestalt principles of perception, the tendency for an object in our environment to stand out against a background is referred to as which of the following?
  1. Similarity
  2. Figure and ground
  3. Depth perception
  4. Perceptual set
Answer: B - Figure and ground is the tendency for an object in our environment to stand out against a background according to Gestalt principles of perception.
The approach to perception in Gestalt psychology is to emphasize that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Individual parts have little meaning on their own, but when perceived in a greater context, have a great deal of meaning. The figure and ground principle states that we have a tendency to create a figure and ground (e.g., background) when perceiving stimuli. This is most easily demonstrated with eye sight (e.g., look at an object close up and notice how everything in the background is blurry), but also occurs with the other senses, such as hearing (e.g., having a conversation with someone at a crowded party).
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