EPPP Psychology

Category - Biological Bases of Behavior

In a classic split-brain study, a picture of a chicken claw was shown quickly to the left hemisphere, while a picture of a snow scene was shown quickly to the right hemisphere. When a study participant was asked to choose a related image from an array of pictures, ______________.
  1. The left hand pointed to a shovel and the right hand pointed to a chicken
  2. The left and the right hand both pointed to the image of a chicken
  3. The right hand pointed to a shovel and the left hand pointed to a chicken
Answer: A - In a classic split-brain study, a picture of a chicken claw was shown quickly to the left hemisphere while a picture of a snow scene was shown quickly to the right hemisphere. When a study participant was asked to choose a related image from an array of pictures, the left hand pointed to a shovel and the right hand pointed to a chicken.

The split-brain study was designed to test the hypothesis that the left and right hemispheres of the brain process information differently. The research studied people who have had their corpus callosum (the connector of the two hemispheres) severed. The study showed that the right side was capable of basic language processing but not lexical or grammatical abilities.
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