ASVAB Practice Math Questions

Category - Math - Hard

If x ≠ -3 , then find the value of (3x2 - 27) ( x + 3 )
  1. 3x - 9
  2. x + 3
  3. x2 - 9
  4. x - 3
Answer A - Use simple algebraic formula . First take out common multiple 3

3 (x2 -9)/ (x+3) = 3 (x2 -32)/ (x+3) = 3 (x+3) (x-3)/ (x+3) = 3(x-3) = 3x-9

Key takeaway: To simplify an expression, think of hidden multiples, factors and application of of simple algebraic formulae. Always search possibility of crossing same factors in the numerator and the denominator.
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