EPPP Psychology

Category - Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues

If the client does not pay his psychologist, the psychologist can:
  1. Withhold the client’s records even in emergency situations until the client has paid
  2. Use a collection agency to collect his fees even without talking to the client first about his intentions
  3. Enter into a barter agreement with the client if the agreement is not exploitative or clinically contraindicated
  4. Terminate his services even in emergency situations
Answer: C - A psychologist can enter into a barter agreement with the client if the agreement is not exploitative or clinically contraindicated.
A psychologist cannot hold the client’s records in emergency situations for non-payment and he must inform the client of his intent to collect via a collection agency. A psychologist is not allowed to end his services in emergency situations without finding another person to look after the patient. However, a psychologist is allowed to enter into a barter agreement with a client that is not able to pay him if the agreement is not exploitative or clinically contraindicated.
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