ASVAB Practice Math Questions

Category - Math - Hard

If 8x+6y = -4 and x+2=0, what is the value of y?
  1. -3 1/3
  2. -2
  3. -(2/3)
  4. 2/3
  5. 2
Answer E- This is a problem of solving two linear equations with two variables.
From the second equation x+2=0 , you get value of one variable x = -2. Put this value of x in the first equation to get the value of second variable
8x+6y = -4.
-16 +6y = -4
6y =12 or y = 2

Key takeaway: The normal way is to go for solving the two linear equations by the standard method and find the two variables. But that may be a longer rout. So always first look for any other way to attack such problems say finding one variable .
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