EPPP Psychology

Category - Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision

Humanist and existentialist theories of psychology both focus on patient’s subjective experiences and endorse a phenomenological approach to therapy. Though similar, there are a few key differences between humanism and existentialism. Which of the following statements is not true of the relationship between these two approaches?
  1. Humanists and existentialists trust in the individual’s ability to make constructive choices.
  2. Existentialists believe in the importance of self-actualization.
  3. Humanists believe in the importance of self-actualization.
  4. Existentialists believe that individuals have no inherent nature to actualize.
Answer: B - Existentialists believe that people have no internal nature; therefore, self-actualization is not possible. Humanists focus on actualization, which implies personal meaning as a main goal of life.
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