FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

How would you best counsel a healthy 56 year old woman who presents with disruptive vasomotor symptoms and has questions about hormone therapy?
  1. Bioidentical hormones would be safest since they contain no synthetic estrogen
  2. Hormone therapy has risks and benefits which must be weighed in her situation
  3. She is too old to take hormone therapy safely
Answer: B - The best counseling for a healthy 56 year old woman who presents with disruptive vasomotor symptoms and has questions about hormone therapy is to explain that hormone therapy has risks and benefits which must be weighed in her situation. Bioidentical hormones are not standardized or regulated. As such, safety and efficacy have not been established. Her age alone does not prohibit the use of hormone therapy.
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