SAT Prep

Category - Math

How many numbers can be substituted in the expression (n4 + n3-n-1)/3, so that the result is a prime number?
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4
Answer: C - Two numbers can be substituted in the expression so that the result is a prime number.
(n4 + n3-n-1)/3 = (n3 (n + 1)-(n + 1))/3 = (n + 1)(n3-1)/3 = (n + 1)(n-1)(n2 + n + 1)/3 =
= (n2-1)(n2 + n + 1)/3
n2 + n + 1 can’t be factorized.
n2-1 = 3
n2 = 4
n = ±2
For n = ±2, the expression (n2-1)(n2 + n + 1)/3 transforms into n2 + n + 1, which is a prime number. Therefore, there are two numbers for which the expression (n4 + n3-n-1)/3 is a prime number.
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