EPPP Psychology

Category - Biological Bases of Behavior

General adaptation syndrome (GAS), developed by Hans Selye, is a model of response to severe stress, and identifies particular stages an individual goes through. In which of those stages is the body alert, but also more vulnerable to physical symptoms of stress (like headaches and fatigue)?
  1. Alarm
  2. Resistance
  3. Acceptance
  4. Exhaustion
Answer: A - There are three stages of GAS. During the first, alarm, the body activates the sympathetic nervous system to cope with stress and becomes highly alert, but is also vulnerable to illness and physical symptoms. The second stage, resistance, is when the alarm reaction subsides-the body adapts to the stressor and becomes more resistant to illness than usual. The third stage, exhaustion, is in response to chronic constant stress and marked by a loss of stress hormones (the body’s resources). It is in this last stage that an individual is most vulnerable to serious health effects.
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