EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

Freud’s theory of human nature divides personality into three parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. Each component is responsible for different aspects of thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the id, the ego, or the superego, according to Freud?
  1. The ego serves to balance and limit basic instincts and biological drives.
  2. The ego is somewhat unconscious and is believed to be present at birth.
  3. The superego keeps the id in check.
  4. The id balances the superego by enforcing basic biological drives.
Answer: C - The superego does not keep the id in check. The superego, which includes morals, individual conscience, and awareness of societal standards, acts on the ego to ensure that the way the ego satisfies the needs of the id comply with internal moral standards. The ego is directly responsible for keeping the id in check through awareness of the external world and consequences to actions.
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