SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

foible : idiosyncrasy ::
  1. fete : convention
  2. euphemism : expression
  3. precursor : successor
  4. resurgence : repercussion
Answer: Choice (B) is correct.

In the first half of the analogy, the words foible and idiosyncrasy are synonyms that mean a quirk or a bad habit. So, look for the answer choice that contains synonyms. In choice (A), a fete is a celebration or festival, not a convention. In choice (C), a precursor is a forerunner or originator, not a successor, or one that comes after. In choice (D), a resurgence is a recovery or revival, and a repercussion is a hostile response. Those words are not related, so eliminate that choice.
Choice (B) contains synonyms, and therefore is the correct choice. A euphemism is an expression that is substituted to ease harshness. For example, “to pass away” is a euphemism of “to die”.
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