Group Fitness Instructor

Category - Diversity

Exercise is not the only healthy lifestyle behavior. What is the BEST example of a simple and inexpensive way for a Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) to educate class participants in healthy lifestyle behaviors?
  1. Sponsor a community lecture on healthy lifestyle behaviors
  2. Wear clothing that emphasizes the body, thus showing the results of a healthy lifestyle
  3. Set a good example by eating healthily
  4. Display posters featuring healthy lifestyle behaviors and set an example of someone who lives healthy lifestyle behaviors by remaining fit and not smoking
Answer: D - By acting as a role model for healthy lifestyle behaviors and by displaying posters with topics relating to healthy lifestyle behaviors, GFI’s can remind participants that physical activity is not the only healthy lifestyle behavior. Although the GFI should set a good example by eating right, this behavior is not immediately obvious to class participants. In contrast, the participant who sees his or her instructor smoking in the parking lot or teaching class with obvious postural, weight or other concerns will be less likely to connect with the GFI as a leader.
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