EPPP Psychology

Category - Growth and Lifespan Development

Erik Erikson’s adolescent stage of psychosocial development is referred to as _________.
  1. Identity vs. role confusion
  2. Industry vs. inferiority
  3. Trust vs. mistrust
  4. Initiative vs. guilt
Answer: A - Erik Erikson’s adolescent stage of psychosocial development is referred to identity vs. role confusion. Erik Erikson’s identity vs. role confusion marks the psychosocial development of humans. During this stage, the adolescent asks himself or herself: “who am I and where am I going?” This self-exploration lets the adolescent ponder the type of roles that are possible in adulthood such as friend, spouse, parent, and professional. If they successfully navigate this stage, adolescents can develop a stable sense of identity that guides their multiple roles in adult lives.
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