SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

enthrall : mesmerize ::
  1. relinquish : retain
  2. stipulate : specify
  3. stagnate : revolutionize
  4. congeal : liquefy
Answer: Choice (B) is correct.

To enthrall means to charm, captivate, or mesmerize. Therefore, look for the answer pair that contains synonyms. In choice (A), to relinquish means to give up, not to retain or keep. Choice (C) is incorrect because the pair is antonyms. Stagnate means to be idle or stand still, not to revolutionize. Choice (D) is incorrect because to congeal means to thicken or set, not to liquefy. The only choice that contains synonyms is choice (B). To stipulate means to specify or instruct.
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