FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - FNP Practice Questions

Emily is an 83-year-old outpatient with senile dementia, living with her daughter's family. Her family reports that Emily likes to watch television, but she cannot operate the remote control. They have to help her find stations. What adaptation do you recommend for Emily?

  1. A television with an old fashioned dial that you have to turn by hand.
  2. Tape off all the remote buttons, except for the On/Off button.
  3. A simple remote control with large, color-coded buttons for On/Off, Channel, and Volume.
  4. A special television that will change channels when Emily waves her hand.
  5. People with senile dementia people should not be watching TV
Answer: C. An adaptation that might help Emily is a simple remote control with large, color-coded buttons for On/Off, Channel, and Volume. Emily should be able to read the button labels and remember which button does what by using the color coding. Taping the buttons on the existing remote is inconvenient for the family and will give Emily a self-conscious feeling.
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