Category - Mathematics

Ellen is laying sod, and she has a small triangular area to cover to complete the task. The lengths of the three sides are 10 feet, 8 feet and 6 feet. How much sod does she need to fill the bare area?
  1. 24 sq. ft.
  2. 48 sq. ft.
  3. 12 sq. ft.
  4. 36 sq. ft
Answer: A - The area of a triangle with a base and height of 6 feet and 8 feet (or vice versa) is 24 square feet. The longest side of a scalene triangle is the hypotenuse, not the base or height. The area of a triangle can be found by multiplying the base and the height by one half. (.5 x 6 feet x 8 feet = 24 square feet)
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