Medical Coding

Category - Laboratory and Pathology

During the surgical session, the pathologist received and performed analyses on three separate biopsies from the vaginal wall and one from the cervix. How should the surgical pathologist code for this service?
  1. 88305, 88307
  2. 88305 (X3)
  3. 88305 (X4)
  4. 88305 (X3), 88307
Answer: C - The surgical pathologist should code for this service with 88305 (with 4 units). Code 88305refers to the four separate biopsies performed during the surgical session. The three vaginal biopsies should be coded separately because they account for the three separate samples. Furthermore, the vaginal biopsies fall within the Level IV surgical pathology section. The cervical biopsy should also be coded with a Level IV surgical pathology code because it also falls within that category. If the sample was a conization of the cervix, it should have fallen within the Level V surgical pathology category and coded with 88307.
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