Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

Category - Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

During the counselor's interview with a potential client the client kept calmly asking that the knife be removed from her stomach. What would be the most important for the counselor to act on?
  1. Take the opportunity early on to persuade the client that she is a drug addict. Argue there is no knife. Ask her to describe it.
  2. If the client's other responses seem reasonable complete the interview saying you would get some help as soon as this interview was completed. Refer the client to the appropriate medical staff.
  3. Now is the time to assert your authority and set bounds. Tell her she is faking and this behavior will interfere with her treatment.
Answer: B - The referral to appropriate staff is needed as she is hallucinating. Many clients with mental health problems believe what they tell others and they live with images that are not there. She could easily describe that knife. For a client just entering treatment she could be off meditation or suffering from chemically produced hallucination. As the client is probably not stable make sure staff is close.
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