ASVAB Practice Math Questions

Category - Math - Hard

Divide $680 among A, B and C such that A gets 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4th of what C gets . Now the share of C is?
  1. 300
  2. 360
  3. 420
  4. 480
  5. 500
Answer A Assume C gets z.
B gets 1/4 z
and A gets 2/3 of B = 2/3 X 1/4 z = 1/6 z

z + ¼ z + 1/6 z = $680

(24z +6z +4z)/24 = $680

z = 480

Key takeaway: The GMAT often contains problems in which you are given ratios or proportional , from which one piece of information is missing. It is important to understand the logic of the word problem correctly before cracking it
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