David is the Security Administrator at his organization. He is investigating an issue where the corporate server will not accept any connections using the TCP protocol. On close inspection he sees that the server indicates that it has exceeded its session limit. Which type of attack is this?
  1. TCP ACK attack
  2. TCP/IP hijacking
  3. Smurf attack
  4. Virus attack
Answer: A - A TCP ACK attack creates multiple incomplete sessions, as in this case.

Key Takeaway: When an attack creates multiple incomplete sessions, it exhausts the capacity of the server to service valid requests. Eventually the TCP protocol hits a maximum limit and refuses additional connections. This is the basis for a TCP ACK DoS attack. TCP/IP hijacking is an attempt to steal a valid IP address and use it to gain authorization or information from a network. A smurf attack uses IP spoofing and broadcasting to send a ping to a group of hosts in a network. Both smurf and ACK attacks are generally ineffective in modern networking.
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