CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

David is concerned about the security of his organization’s web server. He wants to find and block all open, vulnerable ports on his web server. Which of the following tools should he use to find all open ports on the network?
  1. Firewall
  2. Performance monitor
  3. Network scanner
  4. Protocol analyzer
Answer - C - Network scanner finds all the open ports on the web server. Protocol analyzer is a software and hardware troubleshooting tool that is used to decode protocol information to try to determine the source of a network problem and to establish baselines.

Key Takeaway: Network Scanners are often used by administrators to verify security policies of their network. A portscan is done when a host scans for listening ports on a single target host. A portsweep is done when multiple hosts are scanned for a specific listening port. The result of a scan on a port is usually categorized as Open, Closed, or Filtered.
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