CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

David is a network administrator for his organization. The organization has three servers and a domain. After performing an upgrade on the server that functions as the DHCP server, David reboots the server. He receives an error message that states “DHCP Service has failed to start.” Where should he check for more information on this error?
  1. F1-based help on Windows OS
  2. System log on the Event Viewer
  3. Application log on the Event Viewer
  4. Microsoft’s support website
Answer - B - David should check for more information on this error in System log on the Event Viewer.

Key Takeaway: The error messages that pop up when a system boots will log more information in the System log of the Event Viewer. David should go to Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > System logs first to get more information on this error. If he does not find any useful information in the System logs, he can move on to Microsoft’s support site and use the Event ID to get more information.
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