David has replaced a number of faulty batteries at one of his client locations. How should he dispose of the faulty batteries?
  1. Throw the batteries in the dust bin.
  2. Crush the batteries and dispose of them in the dust bin.
  3. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for disposal, if available.
  4. Don’t dispose of them.
Answer - C - Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to dispose of the battery using the correct procedure.

Key Takeaway: A battery contains strong corrosive acids and harmful chemicals like lead, cadmium, mercury and nickel. Disposing of a battery in the open may cause environmental hazards like:

-Polluting the lakes and streams as the metals vaporize into the air.
-Contributing to heavy metals that potentially leach from solid waste landfills.
-Exposing the environment and water to lead and acid.
-Causing burns or danger to eyes and skin.

It is extremely important to refer to environment organization websites and manufacturer's documentation to know the proper disposal procedures.
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