FPGEE Foreign Pharmacy

Category - Clinical

Cytarabine is a nucleoside analog used as a chemotherapeutic agent. Which of the following should be co-administered to limit chemically induced arachnoiditis on intrathecal injection?
  1. Nothing. Chemically induced arachnoiditis does not occur with cytarabine use.
  2. Dexamethasone should be co-administered to reduce arachnoiditis.
  3. Nothing. Chemically induced arachnoiditis only occurs if the cytarabine is given too slowly. Otherwise, it is not a problem.
  4. An OTC analgesic should be co-administered with the cytarabine to limit chemically induced arachnoiditis.
Answer: B − Chemical arachnoiditis (nausea, vomiting, headache, fever) is a primary side effect of intrathecal injection of cytarabine. Dexamethasone, co-administered, limits the effects of the arachnoiditis. There is no clear correlation between the rate of infusion and the appearance of the arachnoiditis.
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