SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

crimson : vermillion ::
  1. ivory : auburn
  2. emerald : ecru
  3. cerulean : azure
  4. magenta : indigo
Answer: Choice (C) is correct.

In the first pair, crimson and vermillion are both shades of red. So, look for the pair in which both words denote shades of the same color. In choice (A), ivory is a shade of off-white, and auburn is a cross between orange and brown, so eliminate that choice. In choice (B), emerald is a shade of green, and ecru is an off-white/beige color, so eliminate that choice. In choice (D), magenta is a cross between purple and red, and indigo is a shade of dark blue. The only choice in which both words denote shades of the same color is choice (C). Cerulean and azure are both shades of blue.
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