Podiatry and Medical - Set 1

Category - Podiatry Part I

Corinne is a 43-year-old woman who has red rough skin due to sun exposure, which she has been developing for a couple of years. Also, she is suffering from chronic, watery diarrhea. It has shown in her physical examination that she is showing signs of memory loss and confusion. With these findings, of which of the following Corinne is deficient?
  1. Niacin
  2. Riboflavin
  3. Phosphorous
  4. Calcium
Answer - A - In such conditions, the patient has developed pellagra, which is a result of niacin deficiency. Niacin or vitamin B3 is an essential component of several conenzymes. Pellagra occurs when niacin and tryptophan levels are low or when conversion of the essential amino acids to the coenzyme is compromised.
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