EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

Consider an experiment where children watch a video of an adult punching a stuffed animal. These children are independently placed into a similar room with the same stuffed animal, as well as other toys. Based on the principles of social learning, what might you expect the children to do?
  1. The children will likely pick out their favorite toy and begin to play with it.
  2. The children will likely grab the stuffed animal and punch it, similarly to the adult in the video.
  3. The children will likely show curiosity toward the stuffed animal that was in the video, with girls “taking care of it” as though a doctor would and boys looking at it but then ignoring it for a “better” toy.
  4. The children will likely show fear toward the stuffed animal. Later in the experiment when asked why, they will admit they believed the adult to punch the stuffed animal because it was dangerous.
Answer: B - The children are likely to grab the stuffed animal and punch it, similarly to the adult in the video.
In Alburt Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment, children who watch an adult act aggressively toward a Bobo doll later imitated that behavior. Bandura referred to this as the Social Cognitive Approach and noted that children do learn by observing others.
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