SAT Prep

Category - Writing

Choose the answer which best rewords the underlined portion. If you think the original wording is best, choose option A.

In her second term she was an outspoken opponent of World War II.
  1. In her second term she was an outspoken opponent of World War II.
  2. In her second term, she was an outspoken opponent of World War II.
  3. In her second term, she was an outspoken opponent, of World War II.
  4. In her second term she was, an outspoken opponent of World War II.
Answer: B - The best choice is “In her second term, she was an outspoken opponent of World War II.”

A comma is needed to set off the introductory phrase “in her second term” from the main part of the sentence. Commas are unnecessary after “opponent” and “was.”
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