SAT Prep

Category - Writing

Choose the answer which best rewords the underlined portion. If you think the original wording is best, choose option A.

Some Egyptians work in agriculture, producing corn, fruit, rice, cotton and barley near the Nile Valley and Nile River Delta.
  1. producing corn, fruit, rice, cotton and barley
  2. producing corn;fruit; rice; cotton; and barley
  3. producing: corn, fruit, rice, cotton and barley
  4. producing corn, fruit, rice, cotton, and barley
Answer: D - The best choice is “producing corn, fruit, rice, cotton, and barley”

Use a comma in a sentence with a series of three or more words to avoid ambiguity. Semicolons are inappropriate in this sentence. Avoid using a colon after a verb in a sentence that includes a list.
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