SAT Prep

Category - Writing

Choose the answer which best rewords the underlined portion. If you think the original wording is best, choose option A.

The commander in chief of Japan’s fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto believed that attacking Pearl Harbor would allow Japan to rebuild its defenses.
  1. Japan’s fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto believed
  2. Japan’s fleet, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto believed
  3. Japan’s fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, believed
  4. Japan’s fleet, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, believed
Answer: D - The best choice is “Japan’s fleet, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, believed”

“Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto” is an appositive because it is the proper noun identifying the “commander in chief.” Using commas before and after the appositive properly completes the sentence.
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