SAT Prep

Category - Writing

Choose the answer which best rewords the underlined portion. If you think the original wording is best, choose option A.

Private debt becoming public debt because of the lack of steady growth and credit availability.
  1. Private debt becoming public debt because of the lack of steady growth and credit availability.
  2. Private debt becoming public debt, because of the lack of steady growth and credit availability.
  3. Private debt is becoming public debt because of the lack of steady growth and credit availability.
  4. Private debt is public debt because of the lack of steady growth and credit availability.
Answer: C - The best choice is “Private debt is becoming public debt because of the lack of steady growth and credit availability.”

Without a proper verb before “becoming,” the original sentence is actually a sentence fragment. “Is” can act as helping verb, and combining it with “becoming” creates a complete sentence.
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