SAT Prep

Category - Writing

Choose the answer which best rewords the underlined portion. If you think the original wording is best, choose option A.

Although Egypt is rich in mineral and petroleum deposits, only a small percentage of the land is arable.
  1. Although Egypt is rich in mineral and petroleum deposits, only a small percentage of the land is arable.
  2. Egypt is rich in mineral and petroleum deposits, and only a small percentage of the land is arable.
  3. Since Egypt is rich in mineral and petroleum deposits, only a small percentage of the land is arable.
  4. Egypt is rich in mineral and petroleum deposits, so only a small percentage of the land is arable.
Answer: B - The best choice is “Egypt is rich in mineral and petroleum deposits, and only a small percentage of the land is arable.”

The conjunctions “although,” “since,” and “so” imply a relationship behind the mineral and petroleum deposits and the arable land - land that is suitable for farming. “And” joins two independent clauses that address separate features of Egypt.
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