SAT Prep

Category - Writing

Choose the answer which best rewords the underlined portion. If you think the original wording is best, choose option A.

She continued supporting women’s suffrage, and she is appointed to a committee formed to examine the issue.
  1. continued supporting women’s suffrage, and she is appointed
  2. continued supporting women’s suffrage, and she is appointing
  3. continued supporting women’s suffrage, and she was appointing
  4. continued supporting women’s suffrage, and she was appointed
Answer: D - The best choice is “continued supporting women’s suffrage, and she was appointed”

In the original sentence, the past tense verb “continued” and the present tense verb “is” creates faulty parallelism. The verbs in the sentence should have the same tense. “Was appointing” indicates the past continuous form, meaning an action was interrupted. “Was appointed” signifies an action that was started and completed.
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