SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

autocracy : individual ::
  1. idiocracy : unwise
  2. meritocracy : talented
  3. theocracy : multitude
  4. aristocracy : indigent
Answer: Choice (B) is correct.

An autocracy is a system in which one individual is rewarded with power. Therefore, look for the answer choice in which the second word is the most important part of the first word. Choice (A) is incorrect. An idiocracy is not a system at all, but something that is peculiar to a person, or an idiosyncracy. In choice (C), a theocracy is a system in which a deity is considered the one with the most power, not a multitude of others. In choice (D), an aristocracy is a system in which the nobles wield power, not the indigent, or poor. Choice (B) is correct. In a meritocracy, distribution of power is based on people’s ability and talent.

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