EPPP Psychology

Category - Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision

As a counselor who uses a strengths-based approach, how might you encourage your client Tim to think differently about his belief that his family is consistently under stress?
  1. His family has endured much stress, and they possess the strengths and coping skills to survive together
  2. His family has endured some stress, but not as much as many other people
  3. His family has not endured stress
  4. His family has endured much stress, and needs additional coping skills to continue dealing with the stress
Answer: A - Strengths-based counselors look toward the struggle or problem, and encourage the client to pick out the positive part of that problem, no matter how insignificant or small it may seem. This technique can help reframe the perception of the problem, and create a starting point for finding solutions.
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