Marital and Family Therapy

Category - Assessment

Angry Austin is in your office because of the intense anger he feels toward those he’s closest to. What’s more, he’s got rapid mood swings that are beginning to impact him at his after-school job. At fifteen, Austin is beginning to show signs of a personality disorder. Before diagnosing a personality disorder, you remember:
  1. Personality disorders are not typically diagnosed until age eighteen
  2. Other adolescent issues may well explain what Austin is going through
  3. Adolescent behavior cannot be far enough removed to require treatment
  4. Both A and B
Answer - D - You should remember that personality disorders are not typically diagnosed before the age of eighteen, primarily because other adolescent issues may well explain what Austin is going through. Conduct Disorder and certain types of mood or anxiety disorders can all imitate certain diagnostic features of personality disorders in adolescents.
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