EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

An internal attribution is when you ascribe the cause of your boss’s behavior to ______________
  1. his military background and need to control everyone
  2. his hairpiece which throws off his confidence when outdoors
  3. his personal attributes including feelings and abilities
  4. his wife’s cooking which gives him terrible internal gas
Answer: C - An internal attribution is when you ascribe the cause of your boss’s behavior to his personal attributes including feelings and abilities.
Key Takeaway: We all make internal attributions to behaviors we observe in ourselves and others. If someone cuts you off in a bank line-up, you judge their behavior as a sign of rudeness. If your boss gives you a raise and a glowing review, you are more likely to attribute it to internal qualities such as taking on more work and being helpful. Internal attributes of others is sometimes exaggerated to be more important than situational factors.
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