Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

Category - Treatment Plan

An in-patient client in recovery with major depression who is unable to do the activities of daily living (ADL). What may need to be included in a treatment plan?

  1. Encourage the client’s peers to confront the client and let him know the effects of idleness
  2. Perform the ADLs for the client until the client can complete these activities independently.
  3. Ensure the client’s day to provide adequate time for the completion of ADLs.
  4. Allow the client to choose the time of the day when he can do his ADLs.
  5. Schedule an Occupational Therapist to train ADL

Answer: B - A client with major depression often displays lack of energy and interest to perform ADLs, as well as the initiative to dictate a timetable. An aide may need to feed and bathe the client until he or she is well enough to complete these activities independently.  The counselor should consult closely with the MD and Psychiatrist if needed.

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