Medical Coding

Category - 40,000 Series

An 82-year-old woman is undergoing an anal sphincteroplasty for anal incontinence. What CPT code should be used for this procedure?
  1. 46750
  2. 46751
  3. 46760
  4. 46761
Answer: A - 46750 is correct because this is the code for an anal sphincteroplasty for incontinence or prolapse in an adult.
Code 46751 is incorrect because this is the code for this procedure in a child. Code 46760 is incorrect because this is an anal sphincteroplasty for incontinence in an adult, including a muscle transplant. Code 46761 is incorrect because this is the code for an anal sphincteroplasty for incontinence in an adult with a levator muscle imbrication.
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