EPPP Psychology

Category - Assessment and Diagnosis

Alfred Binet was commissioned by the French government in 1904 to develop a way to identify students in need of alternative education. His work resulted in an achievement test that examined how well a child performed at various cognitive tasks relative to:
  1. How well the child performed on physical tasks
  2. How well the child performed on the same test the previous year
  3. Other children at the same age
  4. Other children at the same level of education
Answer: C - Binet’s work resulted in an achievement test that examined how well a child performed at various cognitive tasks relative to other children at the same age.
Binet believed that performance on certain tasks improved with physical age. This performance could be used to distinguish more intelligent people from less intelligent ones within a particular age group. Thus, children’s scores were compared to other children at the same age. This is a comparison we still use to this day in intelligence testing.
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