EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

According to the Big Five model of personality, the degree to which a group of people value individualism correlates positively with their scores on the __________ scale.
  1. Extraversion
  2. Introversion
  3. Neuroticism
  4. Agreeableness
Answer: A - The degree to which a group of people value individualism correlates positively with their scores on the extraversion scale. The extraversion scale is one of the five components of the Big Five model of personality. Extraversion refers to the tendency to be sociable, fun loving, and gregarious with others. In cultures where individualism is considered important, people tend to score higher on the extraversion scale (which means they identify themselves as more open and sociable). This is in contrast to cultures where collectivism is considered important and more reserved social interactions are valued.
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