Medical Coding

Category - 50,000 Series

A woman with polyhydramnios presented to the OB/GYN clinic for amniocentesis with reduction of her amniotic fluid. After prepping the patient with local anesthetic and with ultrasound guidance, the physician inserted the needle with therapeutic drainage system, and drained 18 cc of amniotic fluid from the patient. The needle was then removed under ultrasound guidance and surgical site was monitored for bleeding. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was scheduled to return in one week for another evaluation and possible treatment of her polyhydramnios. What code should be reported for these services?
  1. 59000
  2. 59001, 76946
  3. 59001
  4. 59000, 76946
Answer: C - The correct code is 59001, for the therapeutic amniocentesis with amniotic fluid reduction. Code 76946, for the ultrasonic guidance, would not have to be reported, as it is included as part of code 59001. You should only use 76946 for a diagnostic amniocentesis, which in this case, is incorrect. The withdrawal of the amniotic fluid is a therapeutic procedure.
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