Medical Coding

Category - 60,000 Series

A physician utilized a laser and neuroendoscopic guidance to create a duct from the third lateral ventricle to the cisterna magna as a treatment for hydrocephalus. What is the correct code for this procedure?
  1. 62200
  2. 62201
  3. 62220
  4. 62180
Answer: B - The code for the procedure is 62201 (Ventriculocisternostomy, Third Ventricle; Sterotactic, Neuroendoscopic Method). Code 62200 is for the same procedure, but without using the neuroendoscope. Code 62180 is also for the same procedure, but it does not take into account the third ventricle. Code 62220 is used for the creation of a shunt, but in this case, a shunt was not created.
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