Medical Coding

Category - 30,000 Series

A physician removed a 54-year-old male’s old pulse generator on a dual lead system cardioverter-defibrillator and replaced it with a new one. During the procedure, the surgeon determined that the electrodes needed to be replaced as well and removed the old electrodes, replacing them with new ones. What are the correct codes for this surgical procedure?
  1. 33262, 33243 -51, 33249 -51
  2. 33263, 33241 -51, 33244 -51
  3. 33263, 33243 -51, 33249 -51
  4. 33262, 33241 -51, 33249 -51
Answer: C - The correct codes for the surgical procedure are: 33263 (Removal and Replacement of the Pulse Generator of a Dual Lead System). Code 33243 needs to be included on the claim to indicate the removal of the dual chamber electrodes. The last code that needs to be included on the claim is 33249 (Replacement of the Dual Chamber Electrodes). The last two codes for the service, 33243 and 33249, need to be appended with modifier -51 to indicate that there were multiple procedures performed on the same date of service.
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