Medical Coding

Category - 50,000 Series

A physician endoscopically removed a 0.3 cm calculus from patient’s right kidney under general anesthesia. Access was gained through an established nephrostomy. What is the correct code for this procedure?
  1. 50060 -RT
  2. 50075 -RT
  3. 50561 -RT
  4. 50580 -RT
Answer: C - The correct code for this procedure is 50561(Renal Endoscopy through Established Nephrostomy or Pyelostomy, with or without Irrigation, Instillation, or Ureteropyelography, Exclusive of Radiologic Service; with Removal or Foreign Body or Calculus). Codes 50060 and 50075 are incorrect because they are used for the removal of the calculus via an open incision, or nephrolithotomy. Code 50580 is incorrect because it is used for an endoscopic removal of a calculus through a nephrotomy; while in this case, access for the procedure was gained through a nephrostomy.
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