Medical Coding Exam Prep

Category - Medicine

A patient with breast cancer is undergoing chemotherapy treatment with a drug called Fluorouracil and she receives 500 mg through her PICC line over a 4-hour timeframe. What is the correct code for this type of administration?
  1. 96420, J9190
  2. 96422, J9190
  3. 96423, J9190
  4. 96422, 96423 x 3, J9190
Answer: D - 96422 is the correct code for chemotherapy administration using intra-arterial infusion technique, but this code is only used for the first hour. Code 96423 is the correct add-on code for each additional hour after the first hour. Because this patient had a total of four hours, this code is multiplied by three. Code J9190 is the correct code for the drug Fluorouracil.
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